This year instead of making the usual big resolutions that are soon broken and forgotten I will be setting myself smaller, more reachable targets that can be measured. With a bit of luck I will be able to keep to them and build upon them over the coming year. Like any big task that can seam impossible, when broken down into small tasks is soon achieved. So why not join me this year and do not make any big New Year resolutions but rather make smaller ones that you can keep to.
So now for the entire internet to see, here are some of my New Years resolutions:
1/ to post more often on this blog and my other sites.
2/ remember to send birthday cards (on time).
Just two may not be a lot but once I have achieved them I can move on to others one step at a time. So why don’t you make some New Years resolutions that you can keep this year, put them in the comments below or on your own blog so that people can remind you to keep to them.
Have a peaceful and prosperous New Year.