Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Back to School

For many children this will have been the longest break from school they have every known and some of them might need a little encouragement. So below are just a few back to school cards that might help your little ones.

Monday, 31 August 2020

Butterfly Birthday Greeting Cards

For many people the start of September marks back to school but for me it is Birthday time of year as a good seventy percent of my families Birthdays fall in September. While I was looking for cards to send, I thought that I would make a note of some of the ones that I liked and show you. One of my Aunts likes butterflies.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Get Well Soon

Over the last few months, a lot of extra people have been getting sick with Covid-19 along with all the usual illness that people get so I thought that I would show you some get well soon greeting cards that you can send to your friends and family to cheer them up a little at this time.