Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Trick or Treat

This is the Halloween edition so be prepared to be terrified and shocked. Stop it; I am not talking about my writing and grammar, I promise to keep them horrors to a minimum. I cannot promise that there will be no tricks but if you are brave enough to look, even through your fingers there will be plenty of treats. Let the blood and guts flow as the ghouls and zombies rise.   

Some great Halloween greeting cards, yes. What too fluffy and cute for you but please this blog post is in the style of the classics, I have to get you relaxed and at ease before I can scare you out of your skins. I also have to show the sensors that this is not just another “B” rated hack and slash horror blog. If you need more scroll down, I dare you!

How was that? What! You want darker or blacker, you are starting to frighten me now. Are you sure you are human, maybe you are a ghoul or a ghost, ok give me another chance, let me give one more go.  Scroll down, I dare you!

What kind of demon are you? Ok I will give up the black arts and tell you my sources if only you will spare my sole but I warn you do not click the links unless you have the power. Scroll down, I dare you!

You must be from the Ninth Circle of hell or Hates himself to know that to make a truly horrible Halloween you need to make it yourself, so I will give you the links to the tombs that will give you the knowledge and tools to make your own horrible Halloween. All that I ask is that you forget my name and never call upon me again.  

Crafts U Print the first point of call for all your scrapbooking and card making needs. 

Mygrafico your second point of call for all your scrapbooking and card making needs.

At Digidesignresort for the cost of your email and name you get their news letter full of tips, trends and freebees. 

Happy Halloween. 

1 comment:

  1. ☆◠‿◠☆ This is such a Lovely Halloween Cards Collection!!! ☆◠‿◠☆
